Recorded Webinars

Identify and retain employees

How to Identify, Develop, and Retain High Potential Employees Before They Quit

Master an Effective System to Hire, Develop and Retain the Best Talent. Join Us to Learn How You Can Do It!

Lynn Ware

1 Hr.| 10 am PT | USD 249

12 January 23, THU


Managing A Union Workforce

Learn New Tools, in Order to Effectively Manage Your Employees – Save Time & Money for Your Organization! 

Gerry Mclaughlin

90 Mins.| 10 am PT | USD 249

11 January 23, WED

Employee Retention & Engagement

Improving Employee Retention & Engagement Through Stay Interviews : A Business Case for Retaining Your Talent

Are You Still Relying on Exit Interviews to Retain Your Top Performers? – Sorry, You are Too Late!

Pete Tosh

1 Hr.| 10 am PT | USD 249

11 January 23, WED

HR Auditing

HR Auditing – Important Issues for 2023 – 2024

Understand The Key Trends in HR Auditing and Its Critical Components!

Ronald Adler

1 Hr.| 10 am PT | USD 249

6 January 23, FRI

Dealing with Difficult People

Successfully Dealing with Difficult People: The 5 Most Difficult Types of People and How to Effectively Approach Them

Master Effective Methods for Dealing With Difficult People To Win Cooperation & Trust!

Chris DeVany

1 Hr.| 10 am PT | USD 249

6 January 23, FRI

Coaching at Work

Coaching at Work- Improving Employee Engagement and Performance

Tactics to Coach Reluctant or Disengaged Employees!

Don Phin

1 Hr.| 10 am PT | USD 249

30 November 22, WED

Being a Strategic Leader in 2022 and Beyond

Being a Strategic Leader in 2022 and Beyond: Planning & Decision Making in Today’s Environment

Why Should Leaders Make Strategic Thinking Part of Their Job?

Rebecca Reinstein

90 Mins.| 11 am PT | USD 249

21 November 22, MON

Communicating in Challenging Situations

Communicating in Challenging Situations – Address Roadblocks that Prevent You from Delivering Difficult Messages

Assertiveness Techniques to Talking When Stakes Are High!

Dr. Susan Strauss

1 Hr.| 10 am PT | USD 249

21 November 22, MON

C.A.R.E. Model

How to Give Corrective Feedback: The C.A.R.E. Model – Eliminating Negative Behavior and Building Accountability  

Confront Negativity and Grow Accountability Through Empowerment!

Bruce Lee

90 Mins| 10 am PT | USD 249

18 November 22, FRI

Operational Manager to A Strategic Leader

Moving From An Operational Manager to A Strategic Leader

Inspire and Direct Your Team to Greater Readiness and Competitiveness!

Chris DeVany

1 Hr.| 12 Noon PT | USD 249

16 November 22, WED

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